EDUCATION: Thanksgiving Dinner for your Pet

Geopetric Tips for Thanksgiving food you can share with your pet!

Thanksgiving is a time for friends and family of all kinds...including our fur friends and fam! Especially when we are so thankful for all the unconditional love they have to give us all year long!

While a delicious Thanksgiving meal is something to look forward to with great anticipation (and we are sure your fur babe gets awfully excited about it too) it's important to remember not everything on the menu is pet friendly! 

Here's a few tips that Geopetric has to offer from some of our fur friends that have found pawsome ways to share Thanksgiving meal favorites with their friends and fam - hooman and fur alike!


Turkey (cooked - but skip the cranberry sauce)

Real Pumpkin (not pumpkin pie!)

Yams (skip all the fancy ingredients and share with your fur babe pre-doctoring up!)

Fresh Sweet Potatoes

Fresh Carrots

Plain Green Beans

*Note: Set aside most of these garden fresh favorites prior to your hooman meal food prep and then you can serve up a satisfying (but small portions for your fur babe's possible stomach sensitivities ) meal for your fur babe when everyone sits down to dine. Some items are fine to cook to soften them but avoid any additives and just cook them down to a tender state. Especially for elderly pets with dental limitations. You can even blend some of these favorites into a liquid and place it over their traditional food. 

Important: Always consult your vet regarding anything out of the ordinary that you are considering feeding your pet and be sure to call your vet right away if your pet has any kind of reaction including but not limited to vomiting or diarrhea. 


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